The Effectiveness of English Speech Materials Integrated Local Value for English Public Speaking Course


  • Difiani Apriyanti Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Hermawati Syarif Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Syahrul Ramadhan Universitas Negeri Padang



public speaking, speech, cultural tourism, materials


Skill of delivering speech in English is crucial by industries’ workers to support the global industry development. As a public speaker, a wider insight is a must since they will be in front of different people in different places. They must know value, norms, and ethics of the local people where they delivered their speech. Therefore learning materials for English speech integrated with local wisdom is carried out. The learning materials of speech are integrated with tourism culture. The learning materials are related to the value and culture of a place, event, product, issue, and person. The learning materials was developed applying Borg and Gall development model and Waters and Hutchinson materials design model. The effectiveness of the learning materials was conducted through quasi experimental research. There were 24 students in experimental group and 22 students in control group in Public Speaking class in English Department of PNP. The learning materials were applied in the class for one semester. Pre-test and post-test were given. By using SPSS, the results show that the learning material taught to the experimental class is more effective in the control class. Therefore, the English speech learning materials can improve sudents’ English speech delivery performance.




How to Cite

Apriyanti, D., Syarif, H., & Ramadhan, S. . (2021). The Effectiveness of English Speech Materials Integrated Local Value for English Public Speaking Course . Proceeding of International Conference on Language Pedagogy (ICOLP), 1(1), 269–275.

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