The Development of PjBL-Based English Teaching Materials for Non-English Education Students at Universitas Jambi


  • Yelia Universitas Jambi
  • Dony Efriza Universitas Jambi
  • Muhammad Fauzan Universitas Jambi



Project-based learning, English teaching materials, English language teaching


The research aims to develop Project-based Learning-based English teaching materials for non-English education students. This is based on the fact that the material in English textbooks so far has not answered the vision of the University of Jambi, which is to make UNJA a World Class Entrepreneurship University. Project-based learning was chosen to increase student activeness in mastering English in the form of creative projects. To design appropriate teaching materials, researchers first analyzed the material in the textbooks used. The researcher also gave questionnaires to lecturers and students to see their perceptions of the material in the module. Furthermore, the data will be analyzed using descriptive qualitative. From the data obtained, the material developed includes 4 basic English skills namely listening, speaking, reading and speaking but focuses more on productive skills (speaking and writing) with some special themes such as communication skills, public speaking, negotiation skills, and business writing. The validity of the material is obtained from field observations made by researchers and then synchronized with the curriculum used. With the emphasis on Project-based Learning-based English teaching materials, non-English education students can actively and creatively develop CPMK and help improve English skills actively.




How to Cite

Yelia, Efriza, D., & Fauzan, M. (2024). The Development of PjBL-Based English Teaching Materials for Non-English Education Students at Universitas Jambi . Proceeding of International Conference on Language Pedagogy (ICOLP), 4(1), 278–282.